Air Force Veteran and his loyal dog pass away just an hour and a half apart

A dog’s loyalty is unparalleled. They are definitely man’s best friends because they stay with you almost 24/7 under any circumstance.

This story will give you a clear picture of what a dog’s loyalty exactly looks like.

When Air Force veteran, Daniel Hove retired, he didn’t stop serving his country. He eventually became Burnsville’s Assistant Fire Chief and was looked up to by many firefighters because of his leadership.

“He was someone that his department really relied on to innovate, educate, train and keep up with the new firefighting technique,” Heather Nicoletti (Daniel’s daughter) said.

Sadly, he had to retire and was soon diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Love from his family, friends, and community came in pouring for their beloved veteran.

“He was diagnosed in October of 2011. He had whipple surgery in February of 2012 and then followed that by rounds and rounds and rounds

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