Lost Dog Survives 2 Weeks Stuck In The Snow Waiting For Someone To Rescue Her

The Saint Bernard Old Lady had led a long hard life when she was finally rescued from a puppy mill.

Rough Start Rescue found her a foster home and it looked like Old Lady’s life was finally changing for the better.

But what should have been the start of a new, comfortable stage in her life, suddenly turned into a nightmare as Old Lady suddenly disappeared into the cold wintery woods and put her life in danger.

Old Lady was very skittish due to her traumatic experiences, and when she climbed out of her new foster parent’s car, she unexpectedly got startled and darted off in fear.

She disappeared into the woods, and the odds of her surviving out in the cold did not look good. Old Lady had just received a shave and so she didn’t even have a nice coat of fur to protect

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