Loyal dog passed away after sitting by the window every day for 11 years waiting for its owner to come home

When some people come home, they have the practice of verifying their presence in the house to their family. Even the pets joyously run to their owner and wag their tails in anticipation of his arrival.

Some pet owners have become accustomed to having their fuzzy companions waiting for them when they arrive home from work. That is the situation with Roman, who manages a mid-sized transportation firm and works as an optometrist in Chicago, Illinois.

When Roman gets home from work, he always looks first through the window since his dog Toby is always waiting for him there.

This endearing and persistent practice lasted eleven years.
However, Roman recently had to deal with a really difficult issue. Toby, his faithful dog for many years, died.

The formerly joyful dog who was waiting for

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