From Despair to Beauty: Tiggy’s Incredible Transformation After Being Left for Dead

A sick couple has been sentenced for starving their Lurcher dog to death in one of the most terrible examples of animal cruelty investigators have ever seen.

Kerry Patterson, 35, and Reece Milburn, 30, purported to discover three-year-old Tiggy abandoned on the side of the road and reported him to their local council.

An animal protection officer came at their house in Blyth, Northumberland, and characterized the animal’s condition as the “worst instance he’d seen in his 15 years on the job.”

Tiggy was pictured with practically no fur on her body and her ribs protruding from her thin frame.

She was also very dehydrated, suffering from rashes and a mite infestation, and was so weak that she couldn’t stand.

Tiggy was discovered only days before Christmas in 2019 and her heartbreaking photographs went viral, prompting Northumberland County Council to make an appeal to identify her owners.

Several days later, the council received dozens of letters saying Tiggy was Patterson and Milburn’s

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