A heartwarming video recently surfaced on social media, showing a heroic man saving a dog from an icy lake in -7°C weather while only wearing his underwear.

The video, shared by the YouTube channel ViralHog on Instagram, starts with the man walking through some bushes and heading towards a frozen lake where a group of people is gathered. As he moves closer, we can hear the dog crying in pain. Without hesitation, the man jumps into the lake, breaking through the ice, and manages to rescue the poor animal.

Despite the freezing water and the difficulty of swimming back with the dog, the man successfully brings the dog back to safety, receiving cheers and applause from the crowd. The incident took place near Donetsk, Ukraine, where the temperature in the winter drops below zero degrees.

Many viewers expressed their admiration and gratitude towards the man’s heroic act in the comments section. One user