A New Lease on Life: Dog Tossed from Balcony Finds Purpose as Service Companion for Veteran

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In an astonishing twist of fate, a dog aptly named ‘Miracle’ has defied the odds, surviving a harrowing plunge from a second-floor balcony and is now poised to embark on a transformative journey as a service dog for a military veteran, following several months in foster care.

Last December, a video capturing the heart-stopping moment a young German Shepherd was callously tossed from a Daytona Beach balcony gained viral notoriety. Fast forward to the present, and Miracle emerges with uplifting news—she has found a new home and is destined to become a service dog for a war veteran. The legal aftermath of the incident resulted in the prior owner, Allison Murphy, being deemed unfit to care for the dog, leading to a court-approved rehoming petition. Murphy faces felony charges and a five-year prohibition on owning animals.

The dramatic episode unfolded when Volusia County police responded to a distress call at a Daytona Beach hotel in December 2020, reporting a woman on a second-floor balcony contemplating a jump. Before law enforcement could intervene, Murphy callously hurled the dog over the balcony. Against all odds, Miracle not only survived but promptly regained her footing and managed to escape. Onlookers quickly came to her aid, delivering her to a nearby animal hospital for treatment. Miraculously, she sustained only minor injuries, earning her the fitting moniker “Miracle.”

Under the care of a foster family since December, Miracle, a young registered service dog, continues to radiate love and resilience. Volusia County Animal Services, recognizing her potential, has orchestrated a new beginning for her with a war veteran in need of an assistance animal. Service dogs play a vital role in aiding veterans with physical injuries and limitations, performing tasks like opening doors, toggling switches, retrieving items, and alerting for assistance. Additionally, they offer invaluable emotional support and solace, particularly for veterans grappling with PTSD or other mental health challenges stemming from their service.

In an official statement, Volusia County Animal Services Director Adam Leath expressed joy at Miracle’s positive trajectory, commending the collaborative efforts that secured her a brighter future. He remarked, “We’re delighted that working with our law enforcement partners, we were able to intervene and protect Miracle from any more damage.” Leath highlighted the ongoing collaboration between Animal Services and law enforcement organizations, emphasizing their commitment to providing assistance and resources to both the county’s four-legged and two-legged inhabitants.

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