The Hobbit House, also known as Colin’s Barn, located in Chedglow, is a remarkable structure built entirely by hand over the course of 11 years by sheep farmer Colin Stokes. Initially intended as a simple shelter for himself, Stokes’ project gradually evolved into a fantastical castle-like dwelling reminiscent of something from The Lord of the Rings.
Starting with a basic rectangular structure erected using dry-stone techniques, Stokes’ creativity knew no bounds as he continued to expand and embellish the building. Turrets, dovecotes, stained glass windows depicting the seasons and elements crafted by Stokes himself, a spiral staircase, and elegant arches were all added organically, without any pre-drawn plans.
Despite its abandoned state since Stokes moved away in 2000, the Hobbit House remains in remarkably good condition. However, its location on private land, marked by a discouraging sign, makes it challenging for visitors to access. Although many birds, including owls, have