Officer Adopts Abandoned Dog He Rescued In The Rain

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On a cold, rainy afternoon, NYPD Officer Michael Pascale had a chance encounter with Joey. While patrolling a public park, he spotted a small black dog amidst discarded needles and broken bottles.

Upon closer inspection, Officer Pascale noticed a thick chain around the dog’s neck, tethering him to a fence. Joey appeared soaked, shivering, and abandoned.

“He’s just staring up at me with these ‘Help Me’ eyes,” Pascale recounted. “My first thought was I’ve got to get him out of here.”

Driven by compassion, Pascale transported Joey to the Animal Care Centers of NYC’s shelter in Brooklyn. As he dried the grateful pup with a towel, a special bond began to form.

“I don’t just see an animal,” Pascale expressed. “I see a soul. And that’s not something I turn away from.”

Upon sharing a photo of Joey with his wife, her response was immediate: “Bring him home!” With their hearts set on adoption, they faced a small hurdle.

The ACC informed Pascale that Joey had to undergo a mandatory 72-hour stray hold. Despite their eagerness, the wait was necessary to potentially reunite lost pets with their owners.

Each day, Pascale returned to visit Joey, strengthening their bond. Finally, the stray hold ended, and Pascale officially adopted Joey. With paperwork completed, they shared a heartfelt farewell before embarking on their new life together.

Now, once a hungry, frightened stray, Joey thrives as a cherished companion. He enjoys exploring New York with his dad and snuggling with his mom. Though not without his mischievous moments, Joey is content and loved—a true testament to the simple desires of a pup.

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