Indus Valley Civilization: Ancient city of Mohenjo-daro, battlefield of ancient nuclear weapons?

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The Indus Valley civilization is one of the oldest civilizations in human history, and its origin and decline still remain countless mysteries.

One of the important cities of the Indus Valley civilization, the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro located in present-day Sindh province, Pakistan, is estimated to have been built about 4,600 years ago. This ancient city had carefully planned streets, drainage systems, warehouses, public baths, temples and palaces. It is estimated that about 40,000 residents working in agriculture, crafts and trading once lived here. Archaeologists also discovered hieroglyphs that have yet to be deciphered by modern science, as well as many exquisite ceramics, jewelry and seals here.

Mohenjo-daro was the metropolis of the Indus Valley civilization – as famous as the civilizations of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and Crete. The city’s architectural style and cultural characteristics demonstrate connection and interaction with other areas. The excavated seals have many animal motifs, including lions, elephants, rhinoceroses, and camels from Africa and West Asia, showing that there was once trade and exchange between people. locally and elsewhere in the world.

Mohenjo-daro was abandoned around 1900 BC. We still do not know the specific cause, but there is a theory that it was destroyed by ancient nuclear war. And this hypothesis is not entirely based on imagination, as there is some evidence to support it:

Human remains were found in the rubble. However, their posture and position showed that something had killed them instantly, with no signs of struggling or trying to escape. It is suspected that the city suffered a powerful explosion that instantly burned people to death at high temperatures.

Near the ancient citadel there is a place called the “City of Glass”, where soil and rocks are melted into glass, a phenomenon very similar to the reaction to extremely high temperatures generated at current nuclear explosion sites. causing sand and rocks to become glass.

There is also an area with a radius of about 10 km in the Libyan desert where sand also melts into glass. A reasonable hypothesis is that a nuclear explosion also occurred there, possibly caused by Mohenjo-daro’s enemies.

There were two epics in ancient India, “Mahabharata” and “Ramayana”. These two books were probably written about 2,500 years ago. They tell of a war around 10,000 BC, but the scenes they describe were extraordinary for their time.

For example, it mentioned weapons that were very different from their time such as “Indra’s Arrow” and Vimana, these weapons were so powerful that they could shoot fireballs from the sky, lighting up the entire world. sets the sky, destroys cities and armies, even changes the climate.

Therefore, many people believe that the weapons described in these epics are evidence of ancient nuclear wars, or of wars on Earth by technologically advanced aliens. caused by high technology.

The hypothesis of ancient nuclear war sounds attractive, but in fact there is no convincing scientific evidence. There are many problems and loopholes in this hypothesis:

The ruins of the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro are sparse, dating is inconsistent, some date from the Indus Valley civilization, and some date later, with no clear evidence of deaths was caused by an explosion and it is also possible that the victims died from disease or famine.

No traces of nuclear radiation were found in the “City of Glass” near the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro, nor was the center of the explosion or crater formed after the explosion found. Glass can be formed naturally by volcanic activity, meteorite impacts, or lightning. Just natural phenomena that can create high temperatures can melt sand and rocks.

The weapons described in the two epics of ancient India may be the imagination and exaggeration of the ancients about natural phenomena, or may be additions and modifications of later generations. The images and functions of these weapons are also inconsistent, some are mythological artifacts, some are historical artifacts, without actual and direct evidence, it is really difficult to convince people. .

Ignoring all that, the ancient city of Mohenjo-daro is still an ancient civilization relic full of mystery and charm, its disappearance could have many reasons, a catastrophic nuclear war could may just be a “reasonable” speculation of modern people. People should continue to maintain a scientific perspective to examine and explain its history and culture, no need to blindly believe in some conjectures and conspiracy theories.

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