Underwater Nabataean Temple With Marble Altars Discovered In Pozzuoli

Underwater archaeologists have discovered an amazing ancient temple with marble altars at the bottom of the sea of Pozzuoli in the Italian region of Campania.

The two Roman-age marble altars, datable to the first half of the 1st century AD, are inserted inside the great Temple of the Nabateans, now submerged due to bradyseism.

The Nabateans were an ancient Arab people who inhabited northern Arabia and the southern Levant. They emerged as a distinct civilization and political entity between the 4th and 2nd centuries B.C. Most of their settlements were located near Petra, Jordan. The Nabateans were engaged in trading between the East, the Indian Ocean, and Rome, and they controlled important trading networks across the ancient world. Described as fiercely independent by contemporary Greco-Roman accounts, Emperor Trajan annexed the Nabataeans into the Roman Empire in 106 C.E.

To enable fast and successful trade, the Nabateans established their base inside the Pozzuoli port, the largest commercial port of the Roman Mediterranean.

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