Hidden 2,000-Year-Old Roman Road Uncovered In Worcestershire Could Be Of ‘Global Importance’

Trent workmen have uncovered a 2,000-year-old Roman road in a field near Evesham, in Worcestershire, UK.

Aidan Smyth, archaeology advisor for Wychavon District Council says the ancient Roman road is the only one of its kind discovered in Britain and could be of “global importance.”

“Paul Harding, who runs Discovery History with his wife Helen, thinks it could put Evesham ‘on the map.’

He said: “The recent find of a possible Roman Ford in Worcestershire is really exciting. A surviving Roman Ford is extremely rare in what was once the Roman Empire.

It looks like a well-made Roman road surface and may have taken over from an earlier trackway or route that the Britons were using before Romans. We had simple roads before the Romans, and these sometimes followed traditional routes.

This will put the area on the archaeological map and allow for further study in this kind of structure,” the Worchester News reported.

The 10m (32ft) stretch was discovered during routine waterworks and

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