Heartwarming Tale: Dog About to Be Adopted Insists on Bringing Her Best Friend Along

Lucy and Sully arrived at the shelter around the same time and became inseparable as soon as they met. When someone arrived to adopt Lucy after seeing her photo on the internet, the two dogs made it clear that it had to be both of them or neither of them.

Lucy and Sully both have relatively unknown backstories. Lucy was a stray who ended up at the shelter, while Sully was adopted once and then returned. However, something about each dog brought them together, and Lucy became like a mother to Sully. When he arrived at the shelter, he was just a puppy, and Lucy was a few years older.

After losing her senior dog, Alaina Brinton chose to bring a new puppy into her home a few months later. When she learned about Lucy, she felt she’d be the ideal match.

“I saw a picture of Lucy at my local humane society and just had to meet her,” Brinton explained

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