13-Yеаr-Old Dоg Spеnt His Entirе Lifе At Shеltеr, Until Eldеrlу Vеtеrаn Tооk Him In

At 93-years-old, Navy veteran George Johnson is still a hero. His most recent heroic act saved the life of an elderly German Shepherd.

George fought in the United States Navy during three wars: WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. He got a “Dear John” letter from his then-sweetheart during his WWII deployment, but found solace in caring for pets. George has a soft spot for white German Shepherds.

It had been a few years since his previous GSD, Velabit, died, and lonely George desired the company he felt only a dog could provide. He contacted German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County, expressly looking for another white GSD like his lost Velabit. There were none in the rescue at the moment, but the director, Maria Dales, promised to remain in touch if

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